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Symposium Information

Can we use above and belowground ecosystem services to promote sustainable production of food, biofuels and biodiversity in agriculture?

Symposium Organiser(s):
Katarina Hedlund, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Wim van der Putten, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes is pivotal for delivering food, fiber and biofuels and carbon storage. However, the demand for goods is greater than the amount of land available, as production of biofuels competes with areas for food production and nature. This intensified land use and reduces biodiversity and the resulting ecosystem services. This symposium will show a number of studies that have quantified ecosystem services and valued the services in order to influence decision of agricultural policies in Europe. Economic and ecological modelling are combined to value ecosystem services and to predict how different agricultural policies and governance regimes will affect future land use and ecosystem services, under different scenarios about the future. The ecosystem services include several supportive and regulating services, above and below ground. The talks also embrace services as biodiversity for conservation purposes where management of agriculture is integrated with conservation on a landscape scale.

Keywords: valuation of services, soils, pollination, resistance to pests, production functions, agricultural policy

Symposium Presentations:

Land use transitions from a combined aboveground-belowground perspective and consequences for restoring biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services
Wim van der Putten, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Wageningen, The Netherlands

A model for biodiversity in mosaic landscapes - Ecology meets economy
Ola Olsson, Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Multifunctional agricultural landscapes – How to handle trade-offs between ecosystem services
Henrik Smith, Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Digital mapping for the quantitative assessment of soil ecosystem services
Ciro Gardi, Joint Research Center, Land Management & Natural Hazards Unit Institute for Environment & Sustainability, European Commission - DG JRC, Ispra (VA), Italy

Scale dependent biological control: Global, regional and within field spatial interactions between natural enemies and cereal aphids
Klaus Birkhofer, Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Soil ecosystem services and farmers economy, is our future natural capital at risk
Mark Brady, AgriFood Economics Centre, Swedish Agricultural University, Lund, Sweden

Promoting multiple soil ecosystem services in agriculture: The optimal policy response
Lia Hemerik, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Forward-looking assessment of land-use change effects on ecosystem services provided by soils
Stefan Hotes, Philipps-University, Department of Ecology, Marburg, Germany

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