Beijing, China, May 22 to 27, 2007
Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st Century’s Ecology
Ecological complexity and sustainability are becoming a core concept and instrument for improving our common future. The aim of this Eco Summit was to encourage a greater integration of both the natural and social sciences with the policy and decision-making community to develop a better understanding of the complex nature of ecological systems. This understanding provides the basis for sustainable solutions to environmental problems.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 18 to 22, 2000
Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century
Six discussion groups focused on the following topics: Toward a new, integrated hard problem science; Integrated assessment and modeling; Complex adaptive hierarchical systems; Ecosystem services; Science and decision making; Quality of life and the distribution of wealth and resources.
Copenhagen Denmark, August 16 to 20, 1996
During the eighties and the beginning of the nineties, several new ecological disciplines grew rapidly: ecological modelling, ecological economics, ecological engineering and biological conservation. International societies and peer reviewed international journals were founded. It was, however, important for these ecological disciplines, which were all indispensable tool boxes for a holistic use of ecology in environmental management, to fertilize each other. So, the focus of the first EcoSummit was to integrate the various ecological disciplines to the benefit of environmental management; this has continued to be a supporting idea behind the EcoSummit conferences to this day. Copenhagen was the cultural capital of Copenhagen in 1996, leading to many cultural opportunities during the meeting.