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Pre-Conference Field Trip 8


Saturday September 29 – Sunday September 30, 2012

Western Appalachian Mountain Mineland Restoration and "The Wilds” Conservation Center, Ohio

The Wilds The Wilds The Wilds
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General Background

North America’s largest conservation facility, The Wilds, is located in rural southeastern Ohio on nearly 4,000 hectares of reclaimed mine land. The center combines cutting-edge conservation science with educational programs and unique visitor opportunities. Their experience with conservation medicine, restoration ecology, animal management and conservation science training/education has led to international collaborations focusing on landscape-scale questions and issues surrounding wild populations of threatened and endangered species. Collaborations include Asian Antelope Conservation, Przewalski Horse Reintroduction, Black Rhino Population Translocations and Takin Ecology Study with the Chinese Academy of Science. This two-day tour will include transportation from Columbus, tours of the facility and current research efforts, gourmet meals and Ohio wine tasting and overnight “glamping” in unique luxury yurts.

Tour Highlights

  • Discussions of current Wildlife Management and Conservation Science research and tour of the facility.
  • Gourmet dinner and Ohio wine tasting from the deck of the luxury yurts.


Cost: US$290
(Exclusive price for EcoSummit attendees is reduced from regular rate of US$475; includes roundtrip transportation Columbus to The Wilds, lunch, wine tasting, dinner and overnight luxury accommodation on Saturday September 29, Wildside Tour, and breakfast on Sunday September 30)

  • Lodging for base hotel is not included in cost
  • Contact base hotel to make your own reservation if you wish to stay there
  • Lunch on Sunday September 30 is available at The Wilds, but price is not included

Base Hotel:
Hyatt Regency
350 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone :
Fax    :
Web   :

Field trip departure time from base hotel:
Transportation will leave from base hotel at 9 am Saturday September 29.

Min/Max Participants: 4/9

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For Additional Information:

Lynn McCready
OSU EcoSummit Coordinator
Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
The Ohio State University
352 W. Dodridge Street
Columbus, Ohio  43202  USA
Cell  :

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