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Mid-Conference Field Trip 9

Stream Restoration Techniques – Central Ohio

All mid-conference field trips will depart from the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Proceed to the second level connector where signage will direct you to the proper transportation queue for your tour.

Mid-Conference Field Trip 9 will depart at 9am.

Tour several restoration sites in various stages of completion using natural channel design, self-forming channel design and two-stage channel design techniques. The benefits and applicability of each method will be presented and new trends in stream restoration will be discussed. Participants will learn about the partnerships with regulatory agencies, research institutions, municipalities and metro parks that shape new regulation and promote restoration and conservation of stream resources.


Cost: free – transportation and lunch included.
Duration: full day
Tour Leader: Kyle Wilson, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation, and Prof. Andy Ward, The Ohio State University 
Min/Max Participants: 12/165

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